Sunday, August 8, 2010

My favourite sport
I love football when i was young i playd soccer everday,
some times i went to fare place to play soccer.
So i like some players likes Mardona, Zidan,.... etc.
But today my life changed some work, some learn.
So i think a lot of people likes the soccer.

Friday, August 6, 2010


I have different thinks another people, I like hard work

because i had hard busines about farm and agriculter,

so i like work by agriculter

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Dubai Tour

This tower is very tall than another tower.

You can use elevator to the top about one minutes

by a ticket each cost $30 only. you can see all Dubai

city. Yes i know there hot but you can enjoy there by

safari in the desert, fish and beaches.

Canada Day

I went that day with Omar, i was

a happy that time because i saw a

lots of people from aother countrys

and musican. So i love Canada so much. In my country we have somthing same likes Canada,

exambel a multi cultuer people there. So i said Happy Canada Day, Go Canada Go.

Canada Day

I went that with Ammar. So that

first time went there. So i so happy

that day. I saw a lots of people there and musician.

I love Canada same my country, We have usually Celebrations there same likes here.

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Last week I went to the Stanley. I enjoyed there i saw a beautiful
trees, animals, beaches and aquarium. I'm happy that day because
i saw there clean place, green trees and new fishes. So but i
interested about some trees damaged. But I'll going there in the future again.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Best and Worst of Granville Island

Hi, Last week I went to Granville Island with my class. I'm enjoyed that day because i think you can find something nature same food or drink(beer) you can see juggler, sang song, music,...etc
So tried with my partner Amar Julita and boat. My partner he drank some beer nature he
enjoyed with it. after than we went to English Bay Beach because that day was is hot. So I have
now a good idea about Granville Island maybe I'll go again there.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Yesterday I went to Vancouver with my friend Ammar for complete project passport, So

we saw and take some picture at some places, world since, Canada place, Granville St,

Vancouver public library, Vancouver Art Gallery and Arabic restaurant. I ate sandwich's

and ammar ate showerma sandwich and juice. Than we us came back to home after that vacation.

So I'm happy yesterday because this first time I went out with person no from my family.

Thank you Ammar

Thursday, June 17, 2010

last weekend I went to Frazer River I saw a lot of ruses. It's very nice.